Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kovi Tahi

(aka bad ocean!)... so the waves got so big the last couple of days they made it pretty close to the base of our house! And a couple of buildings by us that are closer to the sea- the Fisheries buildings, had some damage. The waves and ocean came up all around them, and boats had to be pulled out that were getting tossed around in the big waves. Our neighbor said he's never seen the waves come up this far before. They were even splashing up over the wharf, and pools of seaweed and garbage were floating all around. Sand has gotten piled up way higher than it's been before. But we stayed fine and dry at our place (except the living room which leaks a little). The wind was so strong that the rain on our windows looked like when you're driving a car down a freeway in the rain, it was just flying across the windows!

Our neighbors told us they'd have lunch for us again on Sunday! So we went to their church service, they even gave us a ride since it was raining so much. Then we found out it wasn't just a plate of food like the other Sunday, it was a feast they were referring to! So we went to a big feast for lunch yesterday, with a lot of meat, root crops, and speeches like any feast here. And we're starting to know more and more people now I realized after seeing how many people I knew at the feast.

And since it's been so rainy and windy, and I haven't worked much yet, I've actually been doing a lot of cooking! Anyone who knows me knows this is a pretty big deal, I rarely cook back home. So far I've made brownies, banana bread, mac 'n cheese, different pastas, and different kinds of root crops baked or fried, all from scratch. Still no eggs in sight at stores, the boats haven't been coming in with the weather lately, but it seems like it's clearing up now today. Brett's been doing more cleaning, he cleaned out all the gutters today and the opening to our sima vie (where we get our drinking rain water).

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